Guidelines for NCVT CBT Online Exam- AITT Jan 2021

Guidelines for NCVT CBT Online Exam

Guidelines for NCVT CBT Online Exam- AITT Jan 2021

प्रवेशित वर्ष 2019 के आईटीआई के प्रशिक्षणार्थियों  हेतु  जनवरी 2021 में आयोजित की जा रही आल इंडिया ट्रेड टेस्टिंग AITT-NCVT CBT परीक्षा हेतु सामान्य निर्देश एवं गाइड लाइन्स निम्नानुसार हैं. यह परीक्षा विभिन्न चरणों (Phase) में आयोजित कराई जा रही है, अतः परीक्षा सम्बन्धी टाइम टेबल के लिए अपनी आईटीआई में संपर्क करें. 

General guidelines to Candidates for AITT -CBT  January 2021

AITT CBT User Manual

Important Instructions :

  1. Kindly verify your Profile Details after login.
  2. This computer-based exam is Timed as per Number of Questions. For Non-Engineering trade 60 questions (40 Trade theory + 20 ECS) = 135 minutes. For Engineering trade 80 questions (40 Trade theory + 20 ECS + 20 WCS) = 180 minutes
  3. Enter valid Examiner Passcode, View Instructions in ‘Click here to view exam instructions’ link. Check ‘I have verified my profile’ checkbox and select ‘Start Exam’ to start your exam.
  4. Exam once started cannot be stopped/skipped.
  5. The exam will be automatically submitted at the end of allotted time.
  6. You are allowed to submit the exam only 30 minutes before end time.
  7. You can select your answer for a question, by selecting appropriate option button.
  8. Your marked answers will be shown in right pan.
  9. Navigate between the questions by selecting ‘Next and Previous’ buttons or by clicking on the question number.
  10. Question can be Flagged for review before submission by selecting flag question icon.
  11. Flagged questions will be marked in orange color.
  12. Answered questions will be marked in green color.
  13. Unanswered questions will be marked in white color.
  14. Kindly select ‘Review and Submit’ button to submit your exam.
  15. You are not allowed to navigate between browsers or tabs during examination.
  16. You are not allowed to select the Refresh and Back Button in the browser.

Tags - Guidelines for NCVT CBT Online Exam- AITT Jan 2021. All Trade Computer Base NCVT Online Exam 2020-21. Important Instructions for ITI NCVT CBT Exam All Trade Computer Base NCVT Online Exam. ITI Examination Guidelines and Important Instruction. ITI Exam Jan 2021. ITI Online Exam, ITI CBT Exam, NCVT ITI Online Exam, ITI Computer Base Test, ITI Online Practice Test, ITI Electrician Online exam, ITI Fitter Online Exam, ITI Welder Online Exam, ITI Electronic Mechanic Online Exam, ITI Mechanic Diesel Online Exam, ITI COPA Online Exam. ITI Mock Test. ITI COPA Old Theory Question Papers. ITI COPA Practical Papers.


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